正文 Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861)

An English poet widely read by her poraries, Elizabeth Barrett Browning was born the eldest of eleven children in Coxhoe Hall near Durham. The family moved to Hope End in Herefordshire in 1809 where Elizabeth spent her childhood. An avid reader, she was educated at home where her father gave her access to his classical library. Her first volume of poems rivately published when she was 14.

She suffered from ill health for most of her life. Her mother died in 1828 and her father was forced to sell Hope End in 1832 during the Abolition movement with the result that the family moved to London. Ten years later Elizabeth was more or less an invalid, but used her fio write

Poems (1844) which was celebrated by all and which led to her introdu by letter to the poet Robert Browning. She also became a good friend of Miss Mitford at this time. On 12 September 1846 she destinely married Browning, and moved immediately to Italy.……(内容加载失败!)




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