正文 A Sea-Side Walk

A Sea-Side Walk

We walked beside the sea,

After a day which perished silently

Of its own glory---like the Princess weird

Who, bating the Genius, scorched and seared,

Uttered with burning breath, Ho! victory!

And sank adown, an heap of ashes pale;

So runs the Arab tale.

The sky above us showed

An universal and unmoving cloud,

On which, the cliffs permitted us to see

Only the outline of their majesty,

As master-minds, when gazed at by the crowd!

And, shining with a gloom, the water grey

Swang in its moon-taught way.

Nor moon nor stars were out.

They did not dare to tread so soon about,

Though trembling, in the footsteps of the sun.

The light was her nights nor days, but one

Which, life-like, had a beauty in its doubt;

And Silences impassioned breathings round

Seemed wandering into sound.

O solemi

Of nature! I have knowledge that thou art

Bound unto mans by cords he ot sever---

And, what time they are slaed by him ever,

So to attest his own supernal part,





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