正文 A Thought For A Lonely Death-Bed

A Thought For A Lonely Death-Bed

IF God pel thee to this destiny,

To die alone, with none beside thy bed

To ruffle round with sobs thy last word said

And mark with tears the pulses ebb from thee,--

Pray then alone, O Christ, e tenderly !

By thy forsaken Sonship in the red

Drear wine-press,--by the wilderness out-spread,--

And the lone gardehine agony

Fell bloody from thy brow,--by all of those

Permitted desolations, ine !

hly friend being near me, interpose

hly awixt my face aud thine,

But stoop Thyself to gather my lifes rose,

And smile away my mortal to Divine !

Elizabeth Barrett Browning




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A Sea-Side Walk目录+书签A Womans Shortcomings