正文 Aurora Leigh (excerpts)

Aurora Leigh (excerpts)

[Book 1]

I am like,

They tell me, my dear father. Broader brows

Howbeit, upon a slenderer undergrowth

Of delicate features, -- paler, near as grave ;

But then my mothers smile breaks up the whole,

And makes it better sometimes than itself.

So, nine full years, our days were hid with God

Among his mountains : I was just thirteen,

Still growing like the plants from unseen roots

In toied Springs, -- and suddenly awoke

To full life and life s needs and agonies,

With an interong, struggli beside

A stone-dead father. Life, struck sharp oh,

Makes awful lightning. His last word was, `Love --

`Love, my child, love, love ! -- (then he had doh grief)

`Love, my child. Ere I answered he was gone,

And none was left to love in all the world.

There, ended childhood. What succeeded

I recollect as, after fevers, men

Thread back the passage of delirium,

Missing the turn still, baffled by the door ;

Smooth endless days, notched here and there with k……(内容加载失败!)




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