正文 My Heart and I

My Heart and I


ENOUGH ! were tired, my heart and I.

We sit beside the headstohus,

And wish that name were carved for us.

The moss reprints more tenderly

The hard types of the masons knife,

As heavens sweet life renews earths life

With which were tired, my heart and I.


You see were tired, my heart and I.

We dealt with books, we trusted men,

And in our own blood drehe pen,

As if such colours could not fly.

We walked toht for fortunes end,

We loved too true to keep a friend ;

At last were tired, my heart and I.


How tired we feel, my heart and I !

We seem of no use in the world ;

Our fancies hang grey and uncurled

About mens eyes indifferently ;

Our voice which thrilled you so, will let

You sleep; our tears are only wet :

What do we here, my heart and I ?


So tired, so tired, my heart and I !

It was not thus in that old time

When Ralph sat with me h the lime

To watch the su from the sky.

`Dear love, youre looking tired, he said;

I, smiling at……(内容加载失败!)




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Mother and Poet目录+书签My Letters! all dead paper. . . (Sonnet XXVIII)