正文 The Cry Of The Children

The Cry Of The Children

Do ye hear the children weeping, O my brothers,

Ere the sorrow es with years?

They are leaning their young heads against their mothers---

And that ot stop their tears.

The young lambs are bleating in the meadows;

The young birds are chirping in the ;

The young falaying with the shadows;

The young flowers are blowing toward the west---

But the young, young children, O my brothers,

They are weeping bitterly!---

They are weeping in the playtime of the others

In the try of the free.

Do you question the young children in the sorrow,

Why their tears are falling so?---

The old man may weep for his to-morrow

Which is lost in Long Ago---

The old tree is leafless in the forest---

The old year is ending in the frost---

The old wound, if stri, is the sorest---

The old hope is hardest to be lost:

But the young, young children, O my brothers,

Do you ask them why they stand

Weeping sore before the bosoms of their mothers,

In our happy Fatherlan……(内容加载失败!)




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