正文 The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers

The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers

The breaking waves dashed high

On a stern and rock-bound coast,

And the woods, against a stormy sky,

Their giant braost;

And the heavy night hung dark

The hills and water oer,

When a band of exiles moored their bark

On the wild New England shore.

Not as the queror es,

They, the true-hearted, came;

Not with the roll of the stirring drums,

And the trumpet that sings of fame;

Not as the flying e,

In silend in fear, -

They shook the depths of the deserts gloom

With their hymns of lofty cheer.

Amidst the storm they sang,

And the stars heard and the sea;

And the sounding aisles of the dim wo

To the anthem of the free.

The o-eagle soared

From his by the white waves foam,

And the rog pines of the forest roared -

This was their wele home!

There were men with hoary hair

Amidst that pilgrim band:

Why had they e to wither there,

Away from their childhoods land?

There was womans fearless eye,

Lit by her deep loves truth;

There was……(内容加载失败!)




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