正文 The Runaway Slave at Pilgrims Point

The Runaway Slave at Pilgrims Point


I stand on the mark beside the shore

Of the first white pilgrims bended knee,

Where exile turo aor,

And God was thanked for liberty.

I have run through the night, my skin is as dark,

I bend my knee down on this mark . . .

I look on the sky and the sea.


O pilgrim-souls, I speak to you!

I see you e out proud and slow

From the land of the spirits pale as dew. . .

And round me and round me ye go!

O pilgrims, I have gasped and run

All night long from the whips of one

Who in your names works sin and woe.


And thus I thought that I would e

And kneel here where I k before,

And feel your souls around me hum

In uoo the os roar;

And lift my black face, my black hand,

Here, in your o curse this land

Ye blessed in freedoms evermore.


I am black, I am black;

A God made me, they say.

But if He did so, smiling back

He must have cast His work away

Uhe feet of His white creatures,

With a look of s,--that the dusky feature……(内容加载失败!)




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