正文 XV~XX


Accuse me not, beseech thee, that I wear

Too calm and sad a fa front of thine;

For we two look two ways, and ot shine

With the same sunlight on our brow and hair.

Ohou lookest with no doubting care,

As on a bee shut in a crystalline;

Since sorrow hath shut me safe in loves divine,

And to spread wing and fly ier air

Were most impossible failure, if I strove

To fail so. But I look on thee--on thee--

Beholding, besides love, the end of love,

Hearing oblivion beyond memory;

As one who sits and gazes from above,

Over the rivers to the bitter sea.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning


A, because thou overest so,

Because thou art more noble and like a king,

Thou st prevail against my fears and fling

Thy purple rouill my heart shall grow

Too close against thi heh to know

How it shook when alone. Why, quering

May prove as lordly and plete a thing

In lifting upward, as in crushing low !

And as a vanquished soldier yields his sword

To one who lifts him from the bloody……(内容加载失败!)




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