是Dong Jianhua才对

■席公务员培训处举办语文讲座,与退休高官徐淦先生及吴霭仪、陶傑分题讲。徐先生讲英文公函诀,引述己经验及古今故,风趣精,非常有。他先说公务员处理公函笔前应掌握态,笔宜注意笔致,稿斟酌一。徐先生主张公文语言清楚(Is it clear?):着重阅者明白( the language be easily uood by the recipient?)、避掉俚语(Is it free from slang?)、字浅显( Are the words the simplest that carry the thought?)、句法清晰(Is the senteructure clear?)。说简易(Simple and brief?):说重点(Does it give only the essential facts?)、不说废话(Does it include only essential words and phrases?)。精准( Accurate?):信息正确无误(Is the information correct?)、符合条规政策(Do the statements with rules, policy, etc.?)、注意文法、拼音、标点符号(Is the writing free from errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation?)。徐先生阅历深、读书,讲究的是语文返璞归真。中文公函才。





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