正文 Gentleman Alone

Gentleman Alone

The young maries and the horny muchachas,

The big fat widows delirious from insomnia,

The young wives thirty hours pregnant,

And the hoarse tomcats that y garden at night,

Like a collar of palpitating sexual oysters

Surround my solitary home,

Enemies of my soul,

spirators in pajamas

Who exge deep kisses for passwords.

Radiant summer brings out the lovers

In melanchiments,

Fat and thin and happy and sad couples;

Uhe elegant ut palms, he o and moon,

There is a tinual life of pants and panties,

A hum from the fondling of silk stogs,

And womens breasts that glisten like eyes.

The salary man, after a while,

After the weeks tedium, and the novels read i night,

Has decisively fucked his neighbor,

And now takes her to the miserable movies,

Where the heroes are horses or passionate princes,

And he caresses her legs covered with sweet down

With his ardent and salms that smell like cigarettes.

The night of the hunter and the night of the husband

e ……(内容加载失败!)




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from The Book of Questions目录+书签I Crave Your Mouth, Your Voice, Your Hair