正文 Ode to the Book

Ode to the Book

When I close a book

I open life.

I hear

faltering cries

among harbours.


slide doits

to Tocopilla.

Night time.

Among the islands

our o

throbs with fish,

touches the feet, the thighs,

the chalk ribs

of my try.

The whole of night

gs to its shores, by dawn

it wakes up singing

as if it had excited a guitar.

The os surge is calling.

The wind

calls me

and Ruez calls,

and Jose Antonio--

I got a telegram

from the "Mine" Union

and the one I love

(whose name I wo out)

expects me in Bucalemu.

No book has been able

to me in paper,

to fill me up

with typography,

with heavenly imprints

or was ever able

to bind my eyes,

I e out of books to people orchards

with the hoarse family of my song,

to work the burnials

or to eat smoked beef

by mountain firesides.

I love adventurous


books of forest or snow,

depth or sky

but hate

the spider book

in which thought

has laid poisonous wires

to trap the juvenile

and cirg fly.

Book, let me go.

I wont go cl……(内容加载失败!)




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Ode to Salt目录+书签Ode To Wine