正文 The Gypsy and the Wind

The Gypsy and the Wind

Playing her part moon

Precosia es

along a watery path of laurels and crystal lights.

The starless silence, fleeing

from her rhythmic tambourine,

falls where the sea whips and sings,

his night filled with silvery swarms.

High atop the mountain peaks

the sentinels are weeping;

they guard the tall white towers

of the English sulate.

And gypsies of the water

for their pleasure erect

little castles of ch shells

and arbors of greening pine.

Playing her part moon

Precosia es.

The wind sees her and rises,

the wind that never slumbers.

Naked Saint Christopher swells,

watg the girl as he plays

with tongues of celestial bells

on an invisible bagpipe.

Gypsy, let me lift your skirt

and have a look at you.

Open in my a fingers

the blue rose of your womb.

Precosia throws the tambourine

and runs away in terror.

But the virile wind pursues her

with his breathing and burning sword.

The sea darkens and roars,

while the olive trees turn pale.

The flu……(内容加载失败!)




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