正文 Chapter 5

Five o’clock had hardly stru the m of the 19th of January, when Bessie brought a dle into my closet and found me already up and nearly dressed. I had risen half-an-hour before her entrance, and had washed my face, and put on my clothes by the light of a half-moon just setting, whose rays streamed through the narrow window near my crib. I was to leave Gateshead that day by a coach which passed the lodge gates at six a.m. Bessie was the only perso risen; she had lit a fire in the nursery, where she now proceeded to make my breakfast. Few children eat wheed with the thoughts of a journey; nor could I. Bessie, having pressed me in vain to take a few spoonfuls of the boiled milk and bread she had prepared for me, ed up some biscuits in a paper and put them into my bag; then she helped me on with my pelisse and bo, and ing herself in a shawl, she and I left the nursery. As we passed Mrs. Reed’s bedroom, she said, “Will you go in and bid Missis good-bye?”……(内容加载失败!)




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