正文 Chapter 10

Hitherto I have recorded iail the events of my insignifit existeo the first ten years of my life I have given almost as many chapters. But this is not to be a regular autobiography. I am only bound to invoke Memory where I know her responses will possess some degree of i; therefore I now pass a space of eight years almost in silence: a few lines only are necessary to keep up the links of e.

Wheyphus fever had fulfilled its mission of devastation at Lowood, it gradually disappeared from thence; but not till its virulend the number of its victims had drawn public attention on the school. Inquiry was made into the in of the sce, and by degrees various facts came out which excited publidignation in a high degree. The uhy nature of the site; the quantity and quality of the children’s food; the brackish, fetid water used in its preparation; the pupils’ wretched clothing and aodations—all these things were discovered, and the discovery produced a result mor……(内容加载失败!)




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