正文 Chapter 17

A week passed, and no news arrived of Mr. Rochester: ten days, and still he did not e. Mrs. Fairfax said she should not be surprised if he were to ght from the Leas to London, and theo the ti, and not show his face again at Thornfield for a year to e; he had not unfrequently quitted it in a manner quite as abrupt and ued. When I heard this, I was beginning to feel a strange chill and failing at the heart. I was actually permitting myself to experience a siing sense of disappoi; but rallying my wits, and recolleg my principles, I at once called my sensations to order; and it was wonderful how I got over the temporary blunder—how I cleared up the mistake of supposing Mr. Rochester’s movements a matter in which I had any cause to take a vital i. Not that I humbled myself by a slavish notion of inferiority: on the trary, I just said—

“You have nothing to do with the master of Thornfield, further than to receive the salary he gives you for teag his proté……(内容加载失败!)




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