正文 Chapter 18

Merry days were these at Thornfield Hall; and busy days too: how different from the first three months of stillness, monotony, and solitude I had passed beh its roof! All sad feelings seemed now driven from the house, all gloomy associations fotten: there was life everywhere, movement all day long. You could not now traverse the gallery, once so hushed, er the front chambers, once so tenantless, without entering a smart lady’s-maid or a dandy valet.

The kit, the butler’s pantry, the servants’ hall, the entrance hall, were equally alive; and the saloons were only left void and still when the blue sky and hal sunshine of the genial spriher called their octs out into the grounds. Evehat weather was broken, and tinuous rai in for some days, no damp seemed cast over enjoyment: indoor amusements only became more lively and varied, in sequence of the stop put to outdaiety.

I wondered what they were going to do the first evening a ge of eai roposed: they spo……(内容加载失败!)




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