正文 Chapter 22

Mr. Rochester had give one week’s leave of absence: yet a month elapsed before I quitted Gateshead. I wished to leave immediately after the funeral, but Geiareated me to stay till she could get off to London, whither she was now at last invited by her uncle, Mr. Gibson, who had e down to direct his sister’s interment ale the family affairs. Geiana said she dreaded bei aloh Eliza; from her she got her sympathy in her deje, support in her fears, nor aid in her preparations; so I bore with her feeble-minded wailings and selfish lamentations as well as I could, and did my best in sewing for her and pag her dresses. It is true, that while I worked, she would idle; and I thought to myself, “If you and I were destio live always together, cousin, we would eters on a different footing. I should not settle tamely down into being the forbearing party; I should assign you your share of labour, and pel you to aplish it, or else it should be left undone: I should ……(内容加载失败!)




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