正文 Chapter 25

The month of courtship had wasted: its very last hours were being numbered. There was no putting off the day that advahe bridal day; and all preparations for its arrival were plete. I, at least, had nothing more to do: there were my trunks, packed, locked, corded, ranged in a row along the wall of my little chamber; to-morrow, at this time, they would be far on their road to London: and so should I (D.V.),—or rather, not I, but one Jane Rochester, a person whom as yet I knew not. The cards of address alone remaio nail on: they lay, four little squares, in the drawer. Mr. Rochester had himself written the dire, “Mrs. Rochester,— Hotel, London,” on each: I could not persuade myself to affix them, or to have them affixed. Mrs. Rochester! She did : she would not be born till to-morrow, some time after eight o’clock a.m.; and I would wait to be assured she had e into the world alive before I assigo her all that property. It was enough that in yonder clo……(内容加载失败!)




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