正文 Chapter 29

The recolle of about three days and nights succeeding this is very dim in my mind. I recall some sensatio in that interval; but few thoughts framed, and no as performed. I knew I was in a small room and in a narrow bed. To that bed I seemed to have grown; I lay on it motionless as a stone; and to have torn me from it would have been almost to kill me. I took no note of the lapse of time -- of the ge from m to noon, from noon to evening. I observed when any oered or left the apartment: I could even tell who they were; I could uand what was said when the speaker stood o me; but I could not ao open my lips or move my limbs was equally impossible. Hannah, the servant, was my most frequent visitor. Her ing disturbed me. I had a feeling that she wished me away: that she did not uand me or my circumstahat she rejudiced against me. Diana and Mary appeared in the chamber once or twice a day. They would whisper sentences of this sort at my bedside -

"It is very ……(内容加载失败!)




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