正文 Chapter 31

My home, then, when I at last find a home,—is a cottage; a little room with whitewashed walls and a sanded floor, taining four painted chairs and a table, a clock, a cupboard, with two or three plates and dishes, and a set of tea-things in delf. Above, a chamber of the same dimensions as the kit, with a deal bedstead and chest of drawers; small, yet toe to be filled with my sty wardrobe: though the kindness of my gentle and generous friends has increased that, by a modest stock of such things as are necessary.

It is evening. I have dismissed, with the fee of an e, the little orphan who serves me as a handmaid. I am sitting alone on the hearth. This m, the village school opened. I had twenty scholars. But three of the number read: none write or cipher. Several knit, and a few sew a little. They speak with the broadest at of the district. At present, they and I have a difficulty in uanding each other’s language. Some of them are unmannered, rough, intr……(内容加载失败!)




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