正文 Chapter 33

It was near Christmas by the time all was settled: the season of general holiday approached. I now closed Morton school, taking care that the parting should not be barren on my side. Good fortune opens the hand as well as the heart wonderfully; and to give somewhat when we have largely received, is but to afford a vent to the unusual ebullition of the sensations. I had lo with pleasure that many of my rustic scholars liked me, and when we parted, that sciousness was firmed: they maed their affe plainly and strongly. Deep was my gratification to find I had really a pla their unsophisticated hearts: I promised them that never a week should pass in future that I did not visit them, and give them an hour’s teag in their school.

Mr. Rivers came up as, havihe classes, now numbering sixty girls, file out before me, and locked the door, I stood with the key in my hand, exging a few words of special farewell with some half-dozen of my best scholars: as det, res……(内容加载失败!)




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