正文 Chapter 37

The manor-house of Ferndean was a building of siderable antiquity, moderate size, and no architectural pretensions, deep buried in a wood. I had heard of it before. Mr. Rochester often spoke of it, and sometimes went there. His father had purchased the estate for the sake of the game covers. He would have let the house, but could find , in sequence of its ineligible and insalubrious site. Ferhen remained uninhabited and unfurnished, with the exception of some two or three rooms fitted up for the aodation of the squire when he went there in the season to shoot.

To this house I came just ere dark on an evening marked by the characteristics of sad sky, cold gale, and tinued small peing rain. The last mile I performed on foot, having dismissed the chaise and driver with the double remuion I had promised. Even when within a very short distance of the manor- house, you could see nothing of it, so thid dark grew the timber of the gloomy wood about it. Iron gat……(内容加载失败!)




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