正文 Million Man March Poem

The night has been long,

The wound has been deep,

The pit has been dark,

And the walls have been steep.

Under a dead blue sky on a distant beach,

I was dragged by my braids just beyond your reach.

Your hands were tied, your mouth was bound,

You couldnt even call out my name.

You were helpless and so was I,

But unfortuhroughout history

Youve worn a badge of shame.

I say, the night has been long,

The wound has been deep,

The pit has been dark

And the walls have been steep.

But today, voices of old spirit sound

Speak to us in words profound,

Across the years, across the turies,

Across the os, and across the seas.

They say, draw o one another,

Save your race.

You have been paid for in a distant place,

The old ones remind us that slaverys s

Have paid for our freedom again and again.

The night has been long,

The pit has been deep,

The night has been dark,

And the walls have been steep.

The hells we have lived through and live through still,

Have sharpened our……(内容加载失败!)




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Men目录+书签Momma Welfare Roll