正文 7

Now wavd thir fierie Swords, and in the Aire

Made horrid Circles; two broad Suns thir Shields [ 305 ]

Blazd opposite, while expectation stood

In horror; from each hand with speed retird

Where erst was thickest fight, th Angelic throng,

A large field, uhin the wind

Of suotion, such as to set forth [ 310 ]

Great things by small, If Natures cord broke,

Among the stellations warr were sprung,

Two Plas rushing from aspect maligne

Of fiercest opposition in mid Skie,

Should bat, and thir jarring Sphears found. [ 315 ]

Together both with o Almightie Arme,

Uplifted immi oroke they aimd

That might determine, and not need repeate,

As not of power, at onor odds appeerd

In might or swift prevention; but the sword [ 320 ]

Of Michael from the Armorie of God

Was givn him temperd so, that her keen

Nor solid might resist that edge: it met

The sword of Satan with steep forite

Desding, and in half cut sheere, nor staid, [ 325 ]

But with swift wheele reverse, deep entring s……(内容加载失败!)




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