正文 Chapter III.

How Dorothy Saved the Scarecrow

WHEN DOROTHY WAS left alone she began to feel hungry. So she went to the cupboard and cut herself some bread, which she spread with butter. She gave some to Toto, and taking a pail from the shelf she carried it down to the little brook and filled it with clear, sparkling water. Toto rao the trees and began to bark at the birds sitting there. Dorothy went to get him, and saw such delicious fruit hanging from the brahat she gathered some of it, finding it just what she wao help out her breakfast.

Then she went back to the house, and having helped herself and Toto to a good drink of the cool, clear water, she set about making ready for the jouro the City of Emeralds.

Dorothy had only oher dress, but that happeo be and was hanging on a peg beside her bed. It was ging- ham, with checks of white and blue; and although the blue was somewhat faded with many washings, it was still a pretty frock. The girl washed herself careful……(内容加载失败!)




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