正文 Chapter VIII.

The Deadly Poppy Field

OUR LITTLE PARTY of travelers awakehe m re- freshed and full of hope, and Dorothy breakfasted like a princess off peaches and plums from the trees beside the river.

Behind them was the dark forest they had passed safely through, although they had suffered many discements; but before them was a lovely, sunny try that seemed to be them on to the Emerald City.

To be sure, the broad river now cut them off from this beautiful land. But the raft was nearly done, and after the Tin Woodman had cut a few more logs and fastehem to- gether with wooden pins, they were ready to start. Dorothy sat down in the middle of the raft aoto in her arms.

When the Cowardly Lion stepped upon the raft it tipped badly, for he was big and heavy; but the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman stood upoher end to steady it, and they had long poles in their hands to push the raft through the wa- ter.

They got along quite well at first, but when they reached the middl……(内容加载失败!)




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