正文 Chapter IX.

The Queen of the Field Mice

"WE OT BE FAR from the road of yellow briow," re- marked the Scarecrow, as he stood beside the girl, "for we have e nearly as far as the river carried us away.”

The Tin Woodman was about to reply when he heard a low growl, and turning his head (which worked beautifully on hinges) he saw a strange beast e bounding over the grass toward them. It was, indeed, a great yellow Wildcat, and the Woodman thought it must be chasing something, for its ears were lying close to its head and its mouth was wide open, showing two rows of ugly teeth, while its red eyes glowed like balls of fire. As it came he Tin Woodman saw that running before the beast was a little gray field mouse, and al- though he had he k was wrong for the Wildcat to try to kill such a pretty, harmless creature.

So the Woodman raised his axe, and as the Wildcat ran by he gave it a quick blow that cut the beasts head off from its body, and it rolled over at his feet……(内容加载失败!)




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Chapter VIII.目录+书签-->