正文 Chapter XI.

The Wonderful City of Oz

EVEN WITH EYES protected by the greeacles, Dorothy and her friends were at first dazzled by the brilliancy of the wonderful City. The streets were lined with beautiful houses all built of green marble and studded everywhere with sparkling emeralds. They walked over a pavement of the same green marble, and where the blocks were joiogether were rows of emeralds, set closely, and glittering in the brightness of the sun. The window panes were of green glass; even the sky above the City had a green tint, and the rays of the sun were green.

There were many people, men, women, and children, walk- ing about, and these were all dressed in green clothes and had greenish skins. They looked at Dorothy arangely as- sorted pany with w eyes, and the children all ran away and hid behind their mothers when they saw the Lion; but no one spoke to them. Many shops stood ireet, and Dorothy saw that everything in them was green. Green dy and green ……(内容加载失败!)




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