正文 Chapter XVII.

How the Balloon Was Launched

For three days Dorothy heard nothing from Oz. These were sad days for the little girl, although her friends were all quite happy and tehe Scarecrow told them there were wonderful thoughts in his head; but he would not say what they were because he knew no one could uand them but himself. Whein Woodman walked about he felt his heart rattling around in his breast; aold Dorothy he had discovered it to be a kinder and more tender heart than the one he had owned when he was made of flesh. The Lion declared he was afraid of nothing oh, and would gladly fa army or a dozen of the fierce Kalidahs.

Thus each of the little party was satisfied except Dorothy, who longed more thao get back to Kansas.

On the fourth day, treat joy, Oz sent for her, and wheered the Throne Room he greeted her pleasantly:

"Sit down, my dear; I think I have found the way to get you out of this try.”

"And back to Kansas?" she asked eagerly.

"Well, Im not sur……(内容加载失败!)




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Chapter XVI.目录+书签-->