正文 Chapter XX.

The Dainty a try

While the Woodman was making a ladder from wood which he found in the forest Dorothy lay down and slept, for she was tired by the long walk. The Lion also curled himself up to sleep and Toto lay beside him.

The Scarecrow watched the Woodman while he worked, and said to him:

"I ot think why this wall is here, nor what it is made of.”

"Rest your brains and do not worry about the wall," replied the Woodman. "When we have climbed over it, we shall know what is oher side.”

After a time the ladder was finished. It looked clumsy, but the Tin Woodman was sure it was strong and would aheir purpose. The Scarecrow waked Dorothy and the Lion and Toto, and told them that the ladder was ready. The Scare- crow climbed up the ladder first, but he was so awkward that Dorothy had to follow close behind and keep him from falling off. Whe his head over the top of the wall the Scare- crow said, "Oh, my!”

"Go on," exclaimed Dorothy.

So the Scarecrow cli……(内容加载失败!)




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