正文 Chapter XXIV.

Home Again

AUNT EM HAD JUST E out of the house to water the cabbages when she looked up and saw Dorothy running toward her.

"My darling child!" she cried, folding the little girl in her arms and c her face with kisses. "Where in the world did you e from?”

"From the Land of Oz," said Dorothy gravely. "And here is Toto, too. And oh, Aunt Em! Im so glad to be at home again!”

HERE ends the story of ",”which was written by L. Frank Baum and illustrated by William Wallace Denslow. The engravings were made by the Illinois Engraving pany, the paper was supplied by Dwight Brothers Paper pany, and Mssrs. A. R. Barnes & pany prihe book for the publishers, the Gee M.Hill pany, pleting it on the fifteenth day of May, in the year een hundred.




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