正文 11

Thus when with meats and drinks they had sufficd [ 450 ]

Not burdnd Nature, sudden mind arose

In Adam, not to let th occasion pass

Given him by this great fereo know

Of things above his World, and of thir being [ 455 ]

Who dwell in Heavn, whose excellence he saw

Transd his own so farr, whose radiant forms

Divine effulgence, whose high Power so far

Exceeded human, and his wary speech

Thus to th Empyreal Minister he framd. [ 460 ]

Inhabitant with God, now know I well

Thy favour, in this honour doo man,

Under whose lowly roof thou hast voutsaft

To enter, and these earthly fruits to taste,

Food not of Angels, yet accepted so, [ 465 ]

As that more willingly thou couldst not seem

At Heavns high feasts to have fed: yet what pare?

To whom the winged Hierarch replid.

O Adam, one Almightie is, from whom

All things proceed, and up to him return, [ 470 ]

If not depravd from good, created all

Such to perfe, one first matter all,

Indud with various forms, various deg……(内容加载失败!)




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