正文 John Fords Tis Pity Shes a Whore-1


John Ford (1586-c.1639). English dramatist of the Jacobean period. His tragedy, Tis Pity Shes a Wliore, ublished in 1633. "Deep in a dump John Ford alone was got/With folded arms and melancholy hat." (Choice Drollery, 1656.)

John Ford (1895-1973). Ameri film-maker. Filmography includes: Stagecoach (1938); My Darling Clementine (1946); She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949). "My name is John Ford. I make Westerns." (John Ford, Andrew Sinclair, New York 1979.)

There was a rancher had two children, a son and then a daughter. A while after that, his wife died and was buried uwo stiailed together to make a cross because there was no time, yet, to carve a stone.

Did she die of the loneliness of the prairies? Or was it anguish that killed her, anguish, and nostalgia for the close, warm, neighbourly life she had left behind her when she came to this emptiness? her. She died of the pressure of that vast sky, that weighed down upon her and crushed her lungs until ……(内容加载失败!)




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