正文 The Merchant of Shadows-2

The lion grumbled a little in his throat but trotted off into the house with the most toug obediend I took breath, again -- I noticed Id somehow managed not to for some little time -- and sank into one of the white metal terrace chairs. My poor heart was going pit-a-pat, I tell you, but the personage who had at last appeared from somewhere in the darkening pouher apologised for nor expressed about my nasty shock. She stood there, arms akimbo, surveyih a satirical, pierg, blue eye.

Except for the jarring circumstahat in one hand she held a stainless steel, many-branched dlestick of awesomely chaste design, she looked like a superannuated lumberjack, plaid shirt, blue jeans, workboots, butch leather belt with a giant silver skull and crossbones for a buckle, coarse, cropped, grey hair esg from a red bandana tied Indian-style around her head. Her skin was wrinkled in pinpricks like the surface of Parmesan cheese and a putty grey in colour.

"You the ohats……(内容加载失败!)




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