正文 In Pantoland-1

"I"m bored with television," announced ankey from her easy chair in the Empyrean, switg off The Late Show and adjusting his/her falsies inside her eous red bustier. "I will desd again to Pantoland!"

In Pantoland,

Everything is grand.

Well, lets not exaggerate -- grandish. Not like what it used to be but, then, what is. Even so, all still brightly coloured -- garish, in fact, all your primaries, red, yellow, blue. And all excessive, so that your castle has more turrets than a regular castle, your forest is siderably more imperable than the average forest and, not infrequently, your cow has more than its natural share of teats and udders. Were talking multiple projes, here, spikes, sprouts, boobs, bums. Its a bristling world, in Pantolaher phallic or else demonically, aggressively female and theres something archaic behind it all, archai the worst sense. Something positively filthy.

But all also two-dimensional, so that Maid Marians house, in Pantolands f……(内容加载失败!)




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