正文 In Pantoland-2


1 The Goose in Moose is, or so they say, the Hamlet of animal roles, introspective and moody as only a costive bird straining over its egg might be. There is a full gamut of emotion in the Goose role -- loyalty aion to her mother; joy and delight at her own maternity; heartbreak at loss of egg; fear and trembling at the wide variety of gruesome possibilities which might occur if, in the infiercouplings of possible texts which occur all the time in the promiscuity of Pantoland, oory effortlessly segues into aory, so that Moose twins up with Jad the Beanstalk, involving an egg-hungry ogre, or with Robin Hood, incorporating a goose-hungry Sheriff of Nottingham. hat the Goose, like the Dame, is a female role usually, though not always, played by a man. But the Goose does not represent the exaggerated and parodic femininity of ahe Gooses femininity is real. She is all woman. Withe trality of the egg in her life. So the Goose deserves an interpret……(内容加载失败!)




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