正文 Ashputtle or The Mothers Ghost -2

Came the time for that curious fair they used to hold in that try, when all the resident virgio dan front of the kings son so that he could pick out the girl he wao marry.

The turtle dove was mad for that, for her daughter to marry the prince. You might have thought her own experienarriage might have taught her to be wary, but no, needs must, what else is a girl to do? The turtle dove was mad for her daughter to marry so she flew in and picked up the new silk dress with her beak, dragged it to the open window, threw it down to Ashputtle. She did the same with the string of pearls. Ashputtle had a good wash uhe pump in the yard, put oolen finery and crept out the back way, secretly, to the dang grounds, but the stepsisters had to stay home and sulk because they had nothing to wear.

The turtle dove stayed close to Ashputtle, peg her ears to make her dance vivaciously, so that the prince would see her, so that the prince would love her, so that he would fo……(内容加载失败!)




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