正文 Alice in Prague or The Curious Room-1

This piece was written in praise of Jan Svankmayer,

the animator ue, and his film of Alice

Iy ue, o was winter.

Outside the curious room, there is a sign on the door which says "Forbidden". Inside, inside, oh, e ahe celebrated DR DEE.

The celebrated Dr Dee, looking for all the world like Santa Claus on at of his long, white beard and apple cheeks, is plating his crystal, the fearful sphere that tains everything that is, or was, or ever shall be.

It is a round ball of solid glass and gives a deceptive impression of weightlessness, because you see right through it and we falsely assume aioween lightness and transparency, that what the light shihrough ot be there and so must weigh nothing. In fact, the Doctors crystal ball is heavy enough to inflict a substantial injury and the Doctors assistant, Ned Kelly, the Man in the Iron Mask, often weighs the ball in one hand or tosses it bad forth from oo the other hand as he pohe fragility of the hollow bone, his……(内容加载失败!)




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