正文 The Kiss-2

Their , pretty town was built within a low wood fence or stockade, the houses built of birchbark set in gardens with vines with pumpkins on em and the cooking of their meat sav the air, as it was about diime. They were cooking what they call succotash, a great pot on an open fire and a naked savage squatting before it, calm as you please, fanning the flames with a birchbark fan. The town was surrounded by tidy fields of tobacd and a river near. But no kind of beast did I see, nor cows nor horses nor chis, for they keep none. She takes me to her own lodge, where she lives by herself on at of her business, and gives me water to wash in and a bunch of feathers to dry myself, so that I was much refreshed.

I had heard these Indians were mortal dragons, aced to eat the flesh of dead men, but the pretty little naked children playing with their dollies in the dust, oh! never could such little ducks be reared on ibal meat! And my Indian "mother", as I soon call……(内容加载失败!)




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