正文 Overture and Incidental Music for A Midsummer Nigh

By the Pucks phallic orientation, you know him for a creature of King Oberons.

Hairy Puck fell in love with Golden Herm and often came to frolic round the lovely living statue in the moonlit glade, although he could not, happily for the Herm, get near enough to touch because Titania forethoughtfully had thrown a magical cordon sanitaire around her lovely adoptive, so that s/he was, as it were, in an invisible glass case, such as s/he might find herself in, some turies later, in the Victoria and Albert Museum. Against this transparent, intangible barrier, the Puck often flatteill further his already snub nose.

The Herm removed his/her left foot from its snug in her/his crotd placed it on the ground. With one single, fluent, gracile movement of transition, s/he shifted on to the . The lotus and the snake, oher arm, stayed where they were.

The Puck, pressed tight against Titanias magic, sighed heavily, stepped back a few paces and begaically to play with ……(内容加载失败!)




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