正文 Peter and the Wolf-2

Her lips opened up as she howled so that she offered him, without her own iion or volition, a view of a set of ese boxes of whorled flesh that seemed to open one upon another into herself, drawing him into an inner, secret pla which destinatioually receded before him, his first, devastating, vertiginous intimation of infinity.

She howled.

A on howling until, from the mountain, first singly, then in a plex polyphony, answered at last voices in the same language. She tio howl, though now with a less tragic resonance. Soon it was impossible for the octs of the house to deny to themselves that the wolves were desded on the village in a pack.

Then she was soled, sank down, laid her head on her forepaws so that her hair trailed in the cooling soup, and so closed up her forbidden book without the least notion she had ever ope or that it was banned. Her heavy eyelids closed on her brown, bloodshot eyes. The household gun hung on a nail over the fireplace where ……(内容加载失败!)




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