正文 The Fall River Axe Murders-1

Lizzie Borden with an axe

Gave her father forty whacks

When she saw what she had done

She gave her mother forty-one.

Childrens rhyme

Early in the m of the fourth of August, 1892, in Fall River, Massachusetts.

Hot, hot, hot. . . very early in the m, before the factory whistle, but, even at this hour, everything shimmers and quivers uhe attack of white, furious sun already high iill air.

Its inhabitants have never e to terms with these hot, humid summers -- for it is the humidity more than the heat that makes them intolerable; the weather gs like a low fever you ot shake off. The Indians who lived here first had the seo take off their buckskins when hot weather came and sit up to their necks in ponds; not so the desdants of the industrious, self-mortifying saints who imported the Protestahic wholesale into a try intended for the siesta and are proud, proud! of flying in the face of nature. In most latitudes with summers like these, everything slows down, ……(内容加载失败!)




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