正文 The Fall River Axe Murders-2

Here they lie iogether, living embodiments of two of the Seven Deadly Sins, but he knows his avarice is no offence because he never spends any money and she knows she is not greedy because the grub she shovels down gives her dyspepsia.

She employs an Irish cook and Bridgets rough-and-ready hand i fulfils Abbys every criterion. Bread, meat, cabbage, potatoes -- Abby was made for the heavy food that made her. Bridget merrily slaps oable boiled dinners, boiled fish, eal mush, Indian pudding, johnnycakes, cookies.

But those cookies. . . ah! there you tou Abbys little weakness. Molasses cookies, oatmeal cookies, raisin cookies. But wheackles a sticky brownie, oozing chocolate, then she feels a queasy sense of having gone almost too far, that sin might be just around the er if her stomach did not immediately palpitate like a guilty sce.

Her flannel nightdress is cut on the same lines as his nightshirt except for the limp flannel frill round the neck. She weig……(内容加载失败!)




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