正文 6

Say Heavnly Powers, where shall we find such love,

Which of ye will be mortal to redeem

Mans mortal crime, and just th unjust to save, [ 215 ]

Dwels in all Heaven charitie so deare?

He askd, but all the Heavnly Quire stood mute,

And silence was in Heavn: on mans behalf

Patron or Intercessor none appeerd,

Much less that durst upon his own head draw [ 220 ]

The deadly forfeiture, and ransom set.

And now without redemption all mankind

Must have bin lost, adjudgd to Death and Hell

By doom severe, had not the Son of God,

In whom the fulness dwells of love divine, [ 225 ]

His dearest mediation thus renewd.

Father, thy word is past, man shall find grace;

And shall graot find means, that finds her way,

The speediest of thy winged messengers,

To visit all thy creatures, and to all [ 230 ]

es ued, unimplord, unsought,

Happie for man, so ing; he her aide

ever seek, once dead in sins and lost;

Atto for himself or meet,

Ied and undon, hath : [ 235 ]

Behold mee then……(内容加载失败!)




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