正文 8

So Heavnly love shall outdoo Hellish hate,

Giving to death, and dying to redeeme,

So dearly to redeem what Hellish hate [ 300 ]

So easily destroyd, and still destroyes

In those who, when they may, accept not grace.

Nor shalt thou by desding to assume

Mans Nature, lessn rade thine owne.

Because thou hast, though Thrond in highest bliss [ 305 ]

Equal to God, and equally enjoying

God-like fruition, quitted all to save

A World from utter loss, and hast been found

By Merit more then Birthright Son of God,

Found worthiest to be so by being Good, [ 310 ]

Farr more the h; because in thee

Love hath abounded more then Glory abounds,

Therefore thy Humiliation shall exalt

With thee thy Manhood also to this Throne;

Here shalt thou sit inate, here shalt Reign [ 315 ]

Both God and Man, Son both of God and Man,

Anointed universal King, all Power

I give thee, reign for ever, and assume

Thy Merits; uhee as Head Supream

Thrones, Prins, Powers, Dominions I reduce: [ 320 ]





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