正文 Puss-in-Boots-1

Figaro here; Figaro, there, I tell you! Figaro upstairs, Figaro downstairs and -- oh, my goodness me, this little Figaro slip into my ladys chamber smart as you like at any time whatsoever that he takes the fancy for, dont you know, hes a cat of the world, opolitan, sophisticated; he tell when a furry friend is the Missus best pany. For what lady in all the world could say "no" to the passio toujours discret advances of a fine marmalade cat? (Unless it be her eyes intily overflow at the slightest whiff of furr, which happened once, as you shall hear.)

A tom, sirs, a giom and proud of it. Proud of his fine, white shirtfront that dazzles harmoniously against his e and tangeriessellations (oh! what a fiery suit of lights have I); proud of his bird-entrang eye and more than military whiskers; proud, to a fault, some say, of his fine, musical voice. All the windows in the square fly open when I break into impromptu song at the spectacle of the moon above B……(内容加载失败!)




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