正文 The Lady of the House of Love-2

First of all, he saw only a shape, a shape imbued with a faint luminosity si caught and reflected in its yellowed surfaces what little light there was in the ill-lit room; this shape resolved itself into that of, of all things, a hooped-skirted dress of white satin draped here and there with lace, a dress fifty or sixty years out of fashion but once, obviously, intended for a wedding. And then he saw the girl who wore the dress, a girl with the fragility of the skeleton of a moth, so thin, so frail that her dress seemed to him to hang suspended, as if ued in the dank air, a fabulous lending, a self-articulated garment in which she lived like a ghost in a mae. All the light in the room came from a low-burning lamp with a thick greenish shade on a distant mantelpiece; the e who apanied him shielded her lantern with her hand, as if to protect her mistress from too suddenly seeing, or their guest from too suddenly seeing her.

So that it was little by little……(内容加载失败!)




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