正文 The Company of Wolves-1

O and only one howls in the woods by night.

The wolf is ivore inate and hes as ing as he is ferocious; once hes had a taste of flesh then nothing else will do.

At night, the eyes of wolves shine like dle flames, yellowish, reddish, but that is because the pupils of their eyes fatten on darkness and catch the light from your lao flash it back to you -- red for danger; if a wolfs eyes reflely moonlight, then they gleam a cold and unnatural green, a mineral, a pierg colour. If the benighted traveller spies those luminous, terrible sequins stitched suddenly on the black thickets, then he knows he must run, if fear has not struck him stock-still.

But those eyes are all you will be able to glimpse of the forest assassins as they cluster invisibly round your smell of meat as you gh the wood unwisely late. They will be like shadows, they will be like wraiths, grey members of a gregation of nightmare; hark! his long, wavering howl. . . an aria of fear made audib……(内容加载失败!)




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