正文 The Company of Wolves-2

Soon they were laughing and joking like old friends. When he offered to carry her basket, she gave it to him although her knife was in it because he told her his rifle would protect them. As the day darkened, it began to snow again; she felt the first flakes settle on her eyelashes but now there was only half a mile to go and there would be a fire, and hot tea, and a wele, a warm one surely, for the dashing huntsman as well as for herself.

This young man had a remarkable obje his pocket. It was a pass. She looked at the little round glassfa the palm of his hand and watched the wavering needle with a vague wonder. He assured her this pass had taken him safely through the wood on his hunting trip because the needle always told him with perfect accuracy where the north was. She did not believe it; she knew she should never leave the path on the way through the wood or else she would be lost instantly. He laughed at her again; gleaming trails of spittle g t……(内容加载失败!)




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